Le Sponsorship

a Phantom Phantasy Phundraiser

🥂 Merci to our 1st benefactors! 
(who signed up during our last fundraiser)
  • Janet Krochman -  Supernumerary level sponsor
  • Dianne Larson - Mask level sponsor & music underwriter
  • Deb Van Deudekom - Party favors underwriter

Want to help make our event merveilleuse? Here's how!

SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES - sponsor reservations open on Sunday, 01/07 for our events: Phantom Phantasy MusicaliTea, Mask Crafternoon Tea, and Masked Gondola Dinner Cruise  
  • $500 - SUPERNUMERARY level sponsor:
    name in event program & on this site, thanked at event
  • $1000 - MASK level sponsor: mention in all social media posts, name in event program & on this site, thank-you at event, preferred seating
  • $2000 - CHANDELIER level sponsor: listed as co-host with name at top of all promotional materials; mentioned in all social media posts, listed in event program & on this site, thanked at event, preferred seating, logo posted as applicable

UNDERWRITING OPPORTUNITIES - underwriter reservations open on Wednesday, 01/10 for our events: Phantom Phantasy MusicaliTea, Mask Crafternoon Tea, and Masked Gondola Dinner Cruise
  • $150 - Underwrite party favors for 8 guests (name in event program). 
  • $200 - Underwrite costumes & props (name in event program & on this site)
  • $250 - Underwrite part of the cost of our serving assistants (name in event program & on this site)
  • $300 - Underwrite 1 of our singers (name in event program & on this site)
  • $350 - Underwrite live keyboard serenade (name in event program & on this site)
  • $400 - Underwrite pot-pourri i.e. centerpieces, venue fees, programs, gratuities, et cetera (name in event program & on this site)

AUCTION & DRAWING DONORS (accepting donations through Feb 25) - advance reservations open to $100 auction donors on Saturday, 01/13 for our events: Phantom Phantasy MusicaliTea, Mask Crafternoon Tea, and Masked Gondola Dinner Cruise 
  • $50 - If donating goods/services worth $50+, you will get early dibs on our Masked Gondola Dinner Cruise on March 2 in Long Beach
  • $75 - If donating goods/services worth $75+, you will be invited to our complimentary Brimming Baskets partea on Feb 25
  • $100 - If donating goods/services worth $100+, you will have access to Phantom MusicaliTea reservations on Jan 13 (1 week before the general public)

PHANTOM MUSICALITEA PROGRAM ADVERTS - accepting ads through Feb 15 
  • $25 - Business-card sized ad (3.5" wide x 2" high) 
  • $40 - Large size (3.5" wide x 3.5" high)